Our Why
In an industry crowded with highly engineered, unpronounceable synthetic ingredients encouraging unnatural hair routines, Hairpip was born to turn commonplace haircare on its head for a greener, more resourceful world and a healthier human.
Wellbeing is king for the discerning individual who strives for self-care, efficacy, enviro-care and the highest quality ingredients. With natural formulations and minimal processing, Hairpip harnesses the inherent healing properties of each botanical to purify, nourish and hydrate every type of hair.

Our Vision
Hairpip Earth
“Inspiring everyday resourcefulness to change mindsets and habits toward using, buying and manufacturing plastics. Together, we can better understand the impact plastic has on human and ecosystem health and how everyday resourcefulness can lessen the plastic pollution challenge.”
Hairpip Human
“Inspiring everyday curiosity to be consistently aware of ingredients we use in daily routines. By being curious and digging deeper into our reasoning, we can change our damaging habits to ensure our children and theirs will be protected and continue to thrive”.